We help you manage your drug and alcohol testing departments so that you can entirely focus on your primary business activities.

Do you own a business not controlled through the Department of Transportation but still want to have drug testing on your staff? You are at the right place!

Sharp Compliance has been helping businesses meet federal and state requirements for testing alcohol and drugs for more than 11 years. We offer a full-service package that includes random alcohol and drug testing, audit/inspection assistance, semi-annual tests, nationwide collection services, unemployment assistance, and much more.

Sharp Compliance is actively involved in government conferences. We work with state and federal regulators across the country to assist our clients in staying within the law and out of trouble. We have offered input to proposed modifications to the federal alcohol and drug testing regulations, and we were identified in those guidelines as supporting the requirements of suburban and metropolitan employers.

Each company is different, and your alcohol and drug testing program must meet your specific needs while maintaining Compliance. Sharp Compliance Corp. is a company with the expertise and know-how that goes with establishing and operating the drug and alcohol testing program in any part of the country, from small-scale owner-operators to large international corporations and everything in between for over a few years.


Who has the time to run a company’s growth, plan for expansion and find skilled employees? We can help you maintain an environment free of alcohol and drug use to allow you to focus on essential things such as developing your company.

Sharp Compliance Corp. has been helping businesses keep an alcohol and drug-free workplace since. We provide an entire program for workplaces that incorporates random alcohol and drug selections, workers’ compensation assistance in addition to pre-employment post-accident and random reasonable suspicion, return to duty, and follow-up tests for drug and alcohol. Our customers also have access to our extensive collection network and many more services.

Each company is different, and its alcohol and drug testing program should be tailored to needs accordingly. This is why we’re happy to offer a range of options to assist you in modifying your workplace program to suit your requirements, no matter the conditions. Sharp Compliance is a company with the experience and expertise required for creating and managing an alcohol and drug testing program in any part of the country, from single-location coffee shops to massive multinational corporations and everything in between, for over 20 years. We treat every one of our customers as if they represent the top clients we can have.


If a Department of Transportation agency controls your business, the Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance requires that employees carry out a particular drug test. Sharp Compliance lets you conduct these tests anywhere within Canada by certified collectors. All drug tests come with a Medical Review Officer examination as required by state and federal regulations..

Sharp Compliance also conducts controlled tests for breath alcohol. Our collectors have licensed Breath Alcohol Technicians who have completed training using DOT-certified breath alcohol equipment. The testing for alcohol in the breath is accessible across the country. We can assist you in creating an account to test employees the Department of Transportation does not cover. We can also provide advice regarding your state’s regulations for unregulated testing for alcohol and drugs.

Urine Drug Test

Testing urine in a laboratory is the best method to ensure accurate results. Testing urine in a laboratory is the most widely used and extensive kind of test for drug use countrywide. Testing a donor’s urine for drugs is reliable and the most cost-effective. Urine testing in a laboratory is available in a broad array of panel test combinations. It is a great way to detect recent drug use.

Breath Alcohol Testing

A breath test for alcohol, often referred to in the context of a Breathalyzer test generally carried out on those who are believed to be intoxicated by alcohol during the trial. Based on the amount of alcohol consumed, the time to detect may vary. Tests for breath alcohol for private persons are conducted in our various test centers. Associated accounts can arrange for breath alcohol tests in their workplace or office.

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