Esri Master Services Agreement

ESRI Master Services Agreement: What it is and Why it Matters

ESRI, or Environmental Systems Research Institute, is a global leader in GIS technology, providing collections of software, data, and services to help organizations manage and analyze their geospatial data. ESRI offers a wide range of services to its clients, and one of its most important offerings is the ESRI Master Services Agreement (MSA).

What is the ESRI Master Services Agreement?

The ESRI Master Services Agreement (MSA) is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions for ESRI`s provision of services to its clients. It serves as a framework agreement that governs the relationship between ESRI and its clients, setting out the scope of work, timelines, deliverables, fees, and other provisions.

The MSA is a flexible agreement that can be tailored to each client`s specific needs. It covers a wide range of ESRI`s services, including software development, consulting, training, and technical support. The MSA is designed to provide clients with a consistent and predictable experience, ensuring that ESRI delivers high-quality services that meet their needs.

Why is the ESRI Master Services Agreement Important?

The ESRI MSA is important for several reasons. First, it provides clients with a clear understanding of the scope of work and timelines for their projects. This helps clients plan their resources and budget accordingly, ensuring that their projects are completed on time and within budget.

Second, the MSA ensures that ESRI provides consistent, high-quality services to its clients. By setting out the terms and conditions for service delivery, the MSA helps to ensure that ESRI meets the expectations of its clients and delivers services that meet their needs.

Third, the MSA provides clients with a single point of contact for all their ESRI service needs. This makes it easier for clients to manage their projects and ensures that they have a clear understanding of ESRI`s responsibilities and obligations.

Fourth, the MSA provides clients with a level of flexibility and customization. Clients can tailor the agreement to their specific needs, ensuring that they receive the services they require and that the agreement is aligned with their business objectives.

Finally, the MSA provides clients with a sense of confidence and security. By establishing a clear framework for service delivery, the MSA ensures that clients can trust that ESRI will deliver services that meet their needs and that they will receive a consistent and predictable experience.


The ESRI Master Services Agreement is an important contract that outlines the terms and conditions for ESRI`s provision of services to its clients. It provides clients with a clear understanding of the scope of work, timelines, deliverables, fees, and other provisions, ensuring that they receive high-quality services that meet their needs. The MSA is a flexible agreement that can be tailored to each client`s specific needs, providing them with a level of customization and confidence. Overall, the ESRI MSA is an essential component of ESRI`s service offerings and is crucial for clients seeking to leverage ESRI`s expertise in GIS technology.